
LilyWanderlust is a travel and lifestyle blog featuring colorful photography, inspiring city guides, and helpful travel tips for exploring Amsterdam and beyond.

Introducing My 12 Month Rolleiflex Photography Challenge

Introducing My 12 Month Rolleiflex Photography Challenge

As we kick off a new year, we have the gift of 12 fresh chapters waiting to be filled with new discoveries, stories, and creativity. 2024 is the year I put my photography first, and I set a few personal creative goals, including sharing my work publically and more consistently.

One of my goals was to launch a photography challenge using medium format film. I believe this will push me creatively and keep me accountable for sharing my personal work publicly ( is a big hurdle I am working to overcome).

The idea for this project grew from my own experience of overcoming a series of overwhelming events that put me on a journey of growth I am still figuring out with each new day.

I set a few creative goals to fuel my passion for living an active, creative life while pulling myself out from under the heavy blanket of burnout.


  • Inspiration: I want to inspire, inform, and celebrate my artistic journey through the nostalgia of medium-format film photography.

  • Goals: spark inspiration, think critically, connect with my camera, and grow artistically.

  • Every month in 2024, I will shoot at least one roll of medium-format film with my Rolleiflex.

  • Each month will follow a different theme, subject matter, experience, or technical experiment.

  • Share final images, my creative process, self-analysis, personal reflection and behind-the-scenes story.

β€œThere are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”
— Ansel Adams

I love the tangible nature of film photography and have been shooting film for almost 25 years β€” it's my first and longest love. Digital photography serves a purpose in my life, too, but it simply can't replicate my time spent with film. The entire process of shooting film has always held a special place in my heart β€” from choosing different films to carefully composing a shot and waiting to see the developed images. Printing my own work in the darkroom is the last step, and I hope to find a way to incorporate self-printing into this project at some point, too.


My Rolleiflex Photography Challenge aims to spark new inspiration in my creative journey, expand my curiosity, and enhance my artistic development. I want to engage with new subject matter, explore new places, experiment with different film photography techniques, and, of course, hone my Rolleiflex photography skills.

Living a creative life requires curiosity, courage, and discipline. I want to embrace a new commitment to my art and find more courage to share my work publicly and consistently on my blog and in person. Ultimately, I would love to publish the final set of photos in a zine or book! Let's see how the year unfolds, I'm excited to see where this project takes me!

Last but not least, I hope that sharing my results with others will foster a sense of community with other film photography enthusiasts. So, if this challenge inspires you too, please leave a comment or say, β€˜Hello!’ on Instagram!

Audubon Park Neighborhood Guide + Podcast Feature

Audubon Park Neighborhood Guide + Podcast Feature

Rolleiflex Series: Winter Forest Walk in the Dunes

Rolleiflex Series: Winter Forest Walk in the Dunes